Monday, May 21, 2007

Yummy Knitting!
If I keep going, at this rate will have to open a bakery.
However it is a great way to use up all those small leftover bits of yarn. It's very low cal too, practically no points.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hooray for Graduation

Hooray for Graduation Day! My middle child of "my 3 sons" (do I hear music...almost sounds like a TV show), just graduated from St. John's High School and is off to college in Pennsylvania this fall. Congrats.!

It's finally finished my knitted and felted brown lunch bag. The pattern is from winter Knitty. I attached a magnetic clasp on inside, as well as a small pewter buckle on the front for an ornamental look only.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

What's New?

What's up? lots! so very sadly not as much time to knit these days. so have decided a good way to gain some "time" is by knitting a wall clock, and it actually works....

love the old buttons for numbers around the clock....

I also knitted my first ever dishcloth to give to my mom, who evidently needs's yellow, which is the color the monthly dishcloth forum said we should make for May. can't put up this post until mom receives this....hope she likes it and that it doesn't fly away....
not much to show, but am almost done some sparkly socks and am working on an interesting lace work vest, or jacket, not sure which way I'm leading towards yet. it will probably be a weather thing, if it stays warm, will be a vest...